Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I Chose this magazine because it was one i thought would be easy to do and is also one of the few I know of.To make this i used the polygonal laso on a regular basis to remove excess and shape images. I also croped a few images with the crop tool. The tool i used most would have to be Ctrl+c and Ctrl+v I also used Ctrl+z Ctrl+n Ctrl+shift+s Ctrl+shift+x. the pictures I chose were all about warhammer the game the magazine is dedicated to. I picked a golden demon winning model a few ruin terrain pieces the warhammer logo and a nice background of jungle ruins.
In fireworks I used the polygonal laso to select items. I changed the font with the assets tool bar I changed the hue and saturation to darken some of the colors. I used the erasers to delete some of the extra spaces i had.


accessed mar 23 2010

accesssed mar 23 2010

accesssed mar 23 2010

accesssed mar 23 2010

accesssed mar 23 2010

accessed nar 23 2010


  1. Loos awesome Nick! It looks like a real White Dwarf magazine you would see sitting in the shelf in Games Workshop! =D

  2. Damn. o.o
    Now if only I had the money to actually play Warhammer. >>"

  3. Design - 4
    Creativity - 4
    Titles - 4

    12/12 Looks great Nicholas! You should be proud of your accomplishment. I know how much time and effort it took to extract the various elements and combine them into an effective magazine cover.
