Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Please answer the following questions on your blog as you read the article:
What is the difference between shade and tint? Shade: A hue produced by the addition of black. Tint: A hue produced by the addition of white.
What is the colour system used for printing? CMYK
How can you ensure proper colour rendering in print? Working within the CMYK color system, or choosing colors from Pantone© palettes insures proper color rendering.
What are complementary colours? Give an example The colors that are positioned opposite one another are complementary colors. Purple green.
What are tertiary colours? Give an example Those colors achieved by a mixture of primary and secondary hues.
What is meant by a visually advancing colour? a color that looks like it is closer to you
What could cause vibrating boundaries to occur? complementary colors
How can you find a complementary colour without a colour wheel?
What is an after image?
What is a monochromatic colour relationship? the same color but different shades of it
What is an analogous colour relationship? colors that arre next to each other on the color wheel.
What is contrast? how different a color is.
What could cause simultaneous contrast to occur? colors that contrast to more than one color at a time.
Name and describe three of Itten’s Colour Contrasts

The contrast of complements: The contrast is formed by the juxtaposition of color wheel or perceptual opposites.

Simultaneous contrast: The contrast is formed when the boundaries between colors perceptually vibrate. Some interesting illusions are accomplished with this contrast.

The contrast of hue:The contrast is formed by the juxtaposition of different hues. The greater the distance between hues on a color wheel, the greater the contrast.

How do you determine the dominant colour? The dominant element may be classified as either "contrast dominant" or "value dominant." Designs that evidence contrast dominance or value dominance are then sub-divided into low, moderate, and high contrast, or light, medium, and dark value categories.
How can you create an accent with colour? A small amount of a strong color
What is the difference between contrast dominant and value dominant? contrast has one color that is more vibrent than the others while vlaue has all colors of one value.
What is one method of identifying possible options for colour schemes? identify the mood of the sceem

1 comment:

  1. Looks good. 4/4

    Just a question - what do you mean about identifying the mood of the sceem?

    One method of identifying colour schemes is the colour wheel, or the peter piper palette picker.
