Thursday, February 4, 2010

WEb 2.0 reasearch Project

International buying and selling of anything.
There are 2 formats for this process The set time auction format or the Buy now format.

the use of the website is fairly straight forward to the extent that it took me 5 min to figure most of it out including tests.

I would only recomend using this site if you have something you actually want to get or sell. For example if i was to want to sell my collection of magic cards if i was to just walk into a store i would get minimum value but to sell on ebay i could get a higher value by setting my own minimum thus it will onlyget sold if i get at least my minimum and i don't need to find a buyer someone interested in my product will find me and bid.

There is no difference in survice no subscription pakage.

Yes i belive that this site will be successful and will last for years to come because it is already popular easy to use and

There are many compeditors for this site because any site that is selling something is oppesition.It is better in someways because it is so popular it has a veriety of products but also it is worse because it does not have a garentee of having a product or if it will ever have a product. Also you are not nessesarally going to get the product if you bid on it or that you product will sell within the set time for your auction.

NO I don't think I will use it because most of what I want I can get from other sources such as bookstores.

This is web 2.0 because the items for bidding are posted by the users. Also there is a discussion forum thus any user can make a post.

Ebay was created setptember 1995 in california.

Forum, sell, buy, reviews, messages, watching items, answer center, help center and blogs.

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