Friday, April 16, 2010

In Class Videos.

In the videos i was interested to find that one of the professors termed the Internet as a information overload. i find this interesting because humans on;y ever use 2-3% of our brains so an overload would have to be at least 33 times the amount we already intake. I also found that the relationships that people can forge online in games are really like that. One of my best friends is someone i have never met we played war craft 3 together for about 3 hours a week about 2 weeks in he gave me his MSN and we started chatting out of games and arranging times for us to play. But i also agree that over use of games can be harmful i do admit i spend two much time online. i am sitting in front of a computer probably 8-12 hours a day weekdays and 10-16 hours a day on weekends. except when i am on vacation or have made plans to do something outside because i can talk to so many of the friends i made in games. Also the point about how much worse a google search is compared to reading i find ridiculous because after you search something the next step is to read the page you found or watch the show/play the game. Online i can find whole books and thus after that google search i become involved in the reading just like it would be if i went to the library in the basement to find a book i would have to decide what book i want to read be it a google search or a trip to the library. with the recent remodeling of our basement we were forced to move everything out of it so the T.V. was moved upstairs because of this i find myself dividing my attention more because almost always will some other member of my family be watching TV when i am on the computer i also listen to music in the background when i read a book even if it is one that not online. I do agree with the remark on how student do paragraph wirting for an essay because i do it to i will be writing finish a paragraph and the go check a webcomic to see if it has updated.

1 comment:

  1. Some good insights here Nicholas. I'm glad you enjoyed the video.
