Monday, April 12, 2010

Full Name:Local Area Network
What is it:a group of computers on a single connection in a small area.
Example:at my house the main computer my dads computer and my brothers laptop are all on the same connection.
Full Name: Wide Area Network
What is it:a computer network that spans a larger area than a normal lan network.
Example: A large company head office has a WAN and so all of the other branches have the same connection.

Fiber optic cable 10-100 m
Coaxial Cable 100-1000'
Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) Cable 100m
translates information from one network to another. select the best path to message depending on the destination and the origin.
Bridge :
Allow you to segment one large network into 2 smaller networks more efficient networks.
A switch is a concentrator they electricly amplify the signal as it moves from one system to another.

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