Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Morrowind is an excellent game that has been around for years winning the game of the year award on both PC and Xbox. The story starts off with you arriving at the island of morrowind you awake from a nightmare as you arrive and are introduced to the world. You are accepted into the kings service and your quest begins. As an RPG it gives you almost absolute freedom within the game you may go where you want when you want. you can even kill the people that you need to win and still play but t warns you that their death affects the reality and recommends that you do not save as you can no longer win.

Combat in this game is average for its time. The health bar for you opponents is only shown when you strike them with a melee or ranged weapon(not magic) and disappears about 10 seconds after. depending on your character build will affect you combat mages are generally ranged chars while fighters are usually melee. your life mana and fatigue are always displayed in the bottom left hand corner of your screen. All move use fatigue from running to spells to reciving blows.

Replay value for me is very high because of the sheer variability of the game there are more than 400 quest thousands of npc's and 100,000's of items magical or otherwise and is one of the largest video games ever created. and the character classes can be customized as much as you like including what your class is called.

For the time the graphics were amazing but are now sub-par and the sound quality is the same.but the layout of the world is intrecit and enticing. For the map can be set to world or local depending upon the use you require it for. the map does not always show enough detail as you would what localy especially in Vivic but with a bit of experience in a city finding place is a breeze.

Friday, May 14, 2010

The Magical Sword of Time grants the wielder eternal life and absolute controle of time.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Well for me i don't use Facebook very much because the appications arn't great and i have other chat methods. I have very little information on facebook so i am not realy in danger from that be it private or not i don't update it at all or ateast havn't in the past year and a half. My use of face book is already less than 2 hours a month so i don't feel like it is overloadingf me with adds for date site or fencing gear. 90% of the friend that i have on facebook i confermed it was them in real life.will i stop using facebook? No, but i never used it enough to make much of a difference.

Friday, April 16, 2010

In Class Videos.

In the videos i was interested to find that one of the professors termed the Internet as a information overload. i find this interesting because humans on;y ever use 2-3% of our brains so an overload would have to be at least 33 times the amount we already intake. I also found that the relationships that people can forge online in games are really like that. One of my best friends is someone i have never met we played war craft 3 together for about 3 hours a week about 2 weeks in he gave me his MSN and we started chatting out of games and arranging times for us to play. But i also agree that over use of games can be harmful i do admit i spend two much time online. i am sitting in front of a computer probably 8-12 hours a day weekdays and 10-16 hours a day on weekends. except when i am on vacation or have made plans to do something outside because i can talk to so many of the friends i made in games. Also the point about how much worse a google search is compared to reading i find ridiculous because after you search something the next step is to read the page you found or watch the show/play the game. Online i can find whole books and thus after that google search i become involved in the reading just like it would be if i went to the library in the basement to find a book i would have to decide what book i want to read be it a google search or a trip to the library. with the recent remodeling of our basement we were forced to move everything out of it so the T.V. was moved upstairs because of this i find myself dividing my attention more because almost always will some other member of my family be watching TV when i am on the computer i also listen to music in the background when i read a book even if it is one that not online. I do agree with the remark on how student do paragraph wirting for an essay because i do it to i will be writing finish a paragraph and the go check a webcomic to see if it has updated.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Important Questions that must be addressed:
1. The name of the Operating Systems (OS)

Linux red hat
2. Creators (company and individual names if possible)

In 1994 Marc Ewing created his own Linux distribution, which he named Red Hat Linux. Ewing released it in October
3. Why these operating systems were created

4. Comparison of features (what are similar features? What does one have that the other does not?)

5. Advantages of both OS's

older well built os so can fund other newer os such as fedora.

Open source bussiness model.

6. Disadvantages of both OS's

7. Target market (ex. home, business, students, programmers, servers, etc.)

8. Distribution (approximately how many % of people use it?)

9. Reviews (good and bad, what people have to say about both OS's)

10. Cost (if several versions are available, list each one)

11. What is the native file format of the operating system? (ex. NTFS, HFS+, FAT32, etc.)

12. What kinds of programs are available on each operating system? (ex. games, photo editors, desktop publishing etc.)

13. Based on your research, which operating system would you recommend using and why?

One Laptop per Child



Red Hat Exchange

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

1. What is an operating system and what is its purpose?
An operating system is a code that manages the hardware and software resources of the system. It's perpose is to controle numerours complex systems that would be difficult to run indevidually.
2. What operating system do most computers come preloaded with?
a member of the windows family.
3. Besides personal computers, what other devices have operating systems?
i phones, palm pilots and the likes
4. Do all computers have operating systems? Explain
no not all computers have operating systems for example a microwave does not because it doesn't need it.
5. What are the three most common operating systems? Are there other operating systems? Explain.
the windows family Mac os and linux because linux is a very high end hard to understand system that nasa and such agencies use and windows and OS come with the majority of home computers that you would buy.
6. What is one reason why operating systems are coded rather than physical circuits?
so for a minor change you wouldn't have to scrap the whole system.
7. What are the two main functions of an operating system?
It provides a stable, consistent way for applications to deal with the hardware and it manages the hardware and software resources of the system.
8. What are the four types of operating systems?

9. What are the first actions the computer takes when you power it on?

10. What is the bootstrap loader? What is its function?

11. How does the OS manage the processor?

12. What does an operating system do when two processes are multi-tasking?

13. What is thrashing?

14. What is virtual memory management?

15. What is a driver?

16. How can input/output capabilities of a system be enhanced?

17. How do application program interfaces make it easier for programmers?

18. What is a UI and GUI?

19. Why is Linux being open source significant?

20. What are some other devices that run on Linux?

21. What are 3 things you found interesting about operating systems that you did not know before?

22. What is a question that you still have about operating systems?

Monday, April 12, 2010

Full Name:Local Area Network
What is it:a group of computers on a single connection in a small area.
Example:at my house the main computer my dads computer and my brothers laptop are all on the same connection.
Full Name: Wide Area Network
What is it:a computer network that spans a larger area than a normal lan network.
Example: A large company head office has a WAN and so all of the other branches have the same connection.

Fiber optic cable 10-100 m
Coaxial Cable 100-1000'
Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) Cable 100m
translates information from one network to another. select the best path to message depending on the destination and the origin.
Bridge :
Allow you to segment one large network into 2 smaller networks more efficient networks.
A switch is a concentrator they electricly amplify the signal as it moves from one system to another.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Buying vs Building

for me buying is currently better do to my lack of knowlage of how to put a computer togeather. upgradeing a prebuilt computer would probably be my choice because that would be unplug ram#1 and install ram#2 so i could do that easily enough. Building a computer would be better for someone with advanced knowlage of cpu systems because they could personlize it. hobbists can have fun with parts hunting and gamers can have lots of ram and a great grafics card without needing to get a high end super high end hard drive. There are also quite a few advantages to getting a prebuilt computer first you get it immidately. #2 all of the components are compatable with each other. #3 for customer support you only need to have one destination.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

1. What is the tower? the actual compuer that contains the hardware such as the mother board.
-What does it look like? a rectangular prism
- What is its function? to store and run the actual computer parts
2. What is RAM? a computer data storage device
- What does it look like? a computer chip
- What is its function? to store all sorts of data
- What does RAM stand for? random access memory
3. What is a Hard Drive? a non-volatile storage device
- What does it look like?
- What is its function?

4. What is a DVD and DVD drive? digital versitial disk
- What do they look like? shiny circular disks
- What is their function? video and data storage

5. What is a ethernet cable?
- What does it look like?like a phone cable
- What is its function? to connect your computer to the internet

6. What is a motherboard? the central circuit board.
- What does it look like? l larger circit board
- What is its function? to direct flow of information

7. What is an IDE and SATA cable? a connection cable
- What do they look like? a belt of wires.
- What is their function? to transfer information.
8. What is USB? a portable storage device
- What does it look like? a small rectangular prism
- What is its function? to store information
- What does USB stand for? universal storage bus
9. What is a video card? a card that converts data to graphical information.
- What does it look like? like a circit board
- What is its function? to convert data to pictures
10. What is a PCI card? a place to connect hardware to the motherboard
- What does it look like?

- What is its function? to connect hardware to the motherboard.

-What does PCI stand for? Peripheral Component Interconnect
I know very little about computer systems i know hardware is the physical parts of the computer and the soft ware is the discs installed into the computer. i have seen the inside of a computer about three times in my life and the last time the part were explained to me was in grade 1 at cub scouts. i know a network is your feed to the internet but i don't know how to set one up besides plugging one into the computer. and i know that i use windows and it works ok not great but ok.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I Chose this magazine because it was one i thought would be easy to do and is also one of the few I know of.To make this i used the polygonal laso on a regular basis to remove excess and shape images. I also croped a few images with the crop tool. The tool i used most would have to be Ctrl+c and Ctrl+v I also used Ctrl+z Ctrl+n Ctrl+shift+s Ctrl+shift+x. the pictures I chose were all about warhammer the game the magazine is dedicated to. I picked a golden demon winning model a few ruin terrain pieces the warhammer logo and a nice background of jungle ruins.
In fireworks I used the polygonal laso to select items. I changed the font with the assets tool bar I changed the hue and saturation to darken some of the colors. I used the erasers to delete some of the extra spaces i had.


accessed mar 23 2010

accesssed mar 23 2010

accesssed mar 23 2010

accesssed mar 23 2010

accesssed mar 23 2010

accessed nar 23 2010

Friday, March 5, 2010

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

today i finished off my type within type project and started my magazine search to no avail espeacially because none of them were proper size. I had a little troble with the sizing of my words in type within type but it still is probably worth a 3.5 on because i changed the size shape color and font of the carefully selected words.

CD cover

type within type

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Today i found many band names and all of the terible some of the were at least understandable but Trauma Little Doll Hit Crash Nicholas Esq. so i am a traumatized lord that hit a doll in a crash? how does that even make sence?

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Monday, February 22, 2010

mondays post

today i worked on my portrait i colored the eyes and the background i still need to do the mouth and fix the ear but other than that i am done. the eyes were qutie difficult bacause i had to cut each one into 4 parts. i learned a shortcut ctrl+alt+shift+x that brings out the hue/saturation/brightness bar.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Please answer the following questions on your blog as you read the article:
What is the difference between shade and tint? Shade: A hue produced by the addition of black. Tint: A hue produced by the addition of white.
What is the colour system used for printing? CMYK
How can you ensure proper colour rendering in print? Working within the CMYK color system, or choosing colors from Pantone© palettes insures proper color rendering.
What are complementary colours? Give an example The colors that are positioned opposite one another are complementary colors. Purple green.
What are tertiary colours? Give an example Those colors achieved by a mixture of primary and secondary hues.
What is meant by a visually advancing colour? a color that looks like it is closer to you
What could cause vibrating boundaries to occur? complementary colors
How can you find a complementary colour without a colour wheel?
What is an after image?
What is a monochromatic colour relationship? the same color but different shades of it
What is an analogous colour relationship? colors that arre next to each other on the color wheel.
What is contrast? how different a color is.
What could cause simultaneous contrast to occur? colors that contrast to more than one color at a time.
Name and describe three of Itten’s Colour Contrasts

The contrast of complements: The contrast is formed by the juxtaposition of color wheel or perceptual opposites.

Simultaneous contrast: The contrast is formed when the boundaries between colors perceptually vibrate. Some interesting illusions are accomplished with this contrast.

The contrast of hue:The contrast is formed by the juxtaposition of different hues. The greater the distance between hues on a color wheel, the greater the contrast.

How do you determine the dominant colour? The dominant element may be classified as either "contrast dominant" or "value dominant." Designs that evidence contrast dominance or value dominance are then sub-divided into low, moderate, and high contrast, or light, medium, and dark value categories.
How can you create an accent with colour? A small amount of a strong color
What is the difference between contrast dominant and value dominant? contrast has one color that is more vibrent than the others while vlaue has all colors of one value.
What is one method of identifying possible options for colour schemes? identify the mood of the sceem

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Citation Feb.16/2010
I would give myself between a 3.5 and a 4 for this project

Monday, February 15, 2010

Feb. 15 2010

Today we watched presentations. The one that i thin that i might use is oobgolf.com since i saw this site i have already signed up and started browsing. I am currently looking at some of the latest equipment.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Today I finished off my Power point presentation. I also learned just a few more of those basic functions on powerpoint.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Today in class I worked on my powerpoint including getting the background templates and starting the text and pictures. I also edited the slide entries.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

feb 9th report

I found the video we watched at the start of class about power points. The main part of the video was what not to do in a power point presentation. I also learned about the existance and use of the print screen button on the key board.

Monday, February 8, 2010

possible questions for class reflection.
1. What did I do in class today?
2. What did I learn?
3. What did I find interesting?
4. What questions do I have about what I learned?
5. What connections did I make to previous ideas or questions?
Today i finnished off my research for my web 2.0 project of ebay.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Today i worked on my ebay project and learned that it was created setptember 1995 in california.

WEb 2.0 reasearch Project


International buying and selling of anything.
There are 2 formats for this process The set time auction format or the Buy now format.

the use of the website is fairly straight forward to the extent that it took me 5 min to figure most of it out including tests.

I would only recomend using this site if you have something you actually want to get or sell. For example if i was to want to sell my collection of magic cards if i was to just walk into a store i would get minimum value but to sell on ebay i could get a higher value by setting my own minimum thus it will onlyget sold if i get at least my minimum and i don't need to find a buyer someone interested in my product will find me and bid.

There is no difference in survice no subscription pakage.

Yes i belive that this site will be successful and will last for years to come because it is already popular easy to use and

There are many compeditors for this site because any site that is selling something is oppesition.It is better in someways because it is so popular it has a veriety of products but also it is worse because it does not have a garentee of having a product or if it will ever have a product. Also you are not nessesarally going to get the product if you bid on it or that you product will sell within the set time for your auction.

NO I don't think I will use it because most of what I want I can get from other sources such as bookstores.

This is web 2.0 because the items for bidding are posted by the users. Also there is a discussion forum thus any user can make a post.

Ebay was created setptember 1995 in california.

Forum, sell, buy, reviews, messages, watching items, answer center, help center and blogs.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Today in class we learned about web 2.0 sites. Now we are working on a research project on a 2.0 site i am doing www.ebay.com . A site that is full of commodity trading. This site is ageing but i don't expect it to disappear for meny years.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010



Anything may refer to: [online]
acessed feb.3/2010
available http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anything

Hey this is Nicholas I am in your class this semester[online]
acessed feb3./2010
By Nicholas Onions

February 2, 2010 1:48 PM


November 29, 2007
acessed feb3./2010
link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NN2I1pWXjXI

Sound: Airport Gate [Online]
acessed feb3./2010
Looking at the course outline I believe that this course will be interactive and involving.

I am looking forward to the module in which we will learn how to create games. I already have a couple of ideas waiting to be flushed out.

I want to learn how to find programs and documents that are not shown the way I have looked before.